Fire Risks
Home Safety and Fire Risks Resources
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Fire Risks Frequently Asked Questions
When it comes to preventing a fire at home the most important room to address is the kitchen. Safety within the kitchen is important especially if you or a loved one often cooks or uses appliances that may pose a fire risk. Luckily there are many modifications that can be implemented that serve as an aid when the oven, stove or additional appliances may be left unattended for extended periods of time.
While anyone can experience a fire at home, there are cases where someone may be at an increased risk of an unwanted fire. This includes those with memory impairments or those with limited mobility.
There are many modifications designed to reduce fire risk and ensure that kitchen appliances are never left unattended or on for an extended period of time.
Top modifications to consider:
• Fire Alarms
• Automatic Stove Shut Off System
• Rapid Access Systems (these allow firemen or emergency medical providers to enter the home in the event of a fire)
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