
The Environmental Hazards That Impact A Medicaid Member’s Health At Home
Mold, hoarding, and the lack of a backup generator can impact health outcomes for vulnerable Medicaid populations. Learn how your plan can better identify and address these hazards.

Health Plans
Empowering Medicaid Members: Home Modifications that Reduce Caregiver Dependency and Boost Independence
Learn how home modifications can reduce personal care hours and keep members more independent at home.

Health Plans
Whole-Person Care, Whole Home: How Occupational Therapy Evaluations Lead to Better Outcomes for Dual Eligibles with LTSS
Health starts at home. Learn how your plan can better administer whole-person care through occupational therapy evaluations.

Health Plans
3 Reasons Why Targeted Benefits Are Better for Your Plan & Members
Discover how targeted health plan benefits offer a strategic approach to enhancing member health outcomes and achieving cost-effective care.

Fall Risks
Home Modifications and Durable Medical Equipment Differences
Learn more about the common modification projects that lead to greater health outcomes.

Health Plans
Hidden Signs that Can Often Indicate a Greater Risk of Falling
Learn which indicators your plan must recognize to proactively engage and identify at-risk member populations.