Partner With Us

Home Improvement Installer

What We Do

We combine the clinical expertise of occupational therapists with a robust installer network to streamline home modifications. Ultimately, building better home environments that lead to better health outcomes.

A different kind of network

Jobs, Not Leads

By the time we send over a work order our team has already discussed product options with the client. You’ll be able to get started right away, knowing every detail of installation requirements.

Do Well By Doing Good

Make a difference in your community by helping older adults age safely, living longer and happier in the home they cherish.

Only The Best

We work with only the best - those who not only consistently deliver exceptional results but take pride in enhancing the home environment for their clients.

The Big Opportunity

As of today, there are more Americans over the age of 65 than Americans under the age of 5. And while the majority of older adults hope to age at home, they often struggle finding the experts needed to install home modifications. 


million Americans are currently over the age of 65


 of older adults wish to age at home


of homes across the country have not been properly modified for safe aging

Vetting Process

Background and Licensure Check

We conduct a thorough review of everyone who applies to our network, ensuring that every installer has the proper knowledge and work history appropriate for our clients.

Demonstrated Success

Our installers are established in the field. With a running list of happy clients and consistent success we ensure our entire network is able to provide the best home modification installation.

Providing value, together

1. Consistent Communication

For projects to succeed, you reply to Jukebox Health work orders and requests consistently - working directly with our project managers to confirm installation details.

2. Fair Pricing

When it comes to hourly or project rates you are consistent and fair, always working with Jukebox Health to communicate any unexpected or additional fees.

3. Post-project documentation

Using our digital work order platform you'll verify proper installation in real time utilizing photos and digital timestamps.

Frequently Asked Questions

Finding new clients is time consuming, but it doesn’t have to be. We’ve built a seamless process so you can work with families that not only need your help, but need it now. 

There’s currently no cost or sign up fees to join Jukebox Health’s installer network. 

As soon as work is completed, we’ll send you a check or electronic payment directly to your account.

Interested In Partnering With Us?

Enter your details below and our Clinical Partnership Team will be in touch shortly.

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